27 Best Email Marketing Books to Sharpen Your Saw

email marketing books

Remember that email you received, the one that felt like a personal message just for you?

The one that nudged you to finally buy that product you’d been eyeing, or sign up for the free webinar you were curious about? That, my friend, is the magic of email marketing.

But how do you write emails that resonate, convert, and leave your subscribers wanting more?

The answer lies in knowledge, and what better source of knowledge than the wisdom of email marketing books?


Top 27 Email Marketing Books to Read in 2024 – Editors Pick


  1. Email Marketing Rules by Chad S. White
  2. Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business by Susan
  3. E-mail Marketing For Dummies by John Arnold
  4. Email Persuasion by Ian Brodie
  5. The New Email Revolution” by Robert W. Bly


In this part of the blog, we will explore the email books that you should read in 2024 to improve your email marketing skills.


1. Email Marketing Rules by Chad S. White

About the Author:

Chad S. White is a renowned expert in the field of email marketing.

He is the Head of Research at Oracle Marketing Consulting and the author of “Email Marketing Rules.”


Short Summary:

“Email Marketing Rules” by Chad S. White is a comprehensive guide to mastering the art and science of email marketing.

In this book, White distils his years of experience and expertise into a practical resource that covers everything from strategy development to execution and optimization.

Packed with actionable insights, real-world examples, and best practices, this is one of the best books for email marketing with the knowledge and tools they need to create engaging email campaigns that drive results.


Topics Covered:

The book covers a wide range of topics related to email marketing, including:

  • Fundamentals of Email Marketing
  • Building an Email List
  • Crafting Compelling Email Content
  • Designing Effective Email landing pages
  • Personalization and Segmentation Strategies
  • Automation and Workflow Optimization
  • Deliverability and Inbox Placement
  • Measuring and Analyzing Email Performance
  • Compliance with Email Marketing Regulations
  • Best Practices for Success


What You Will Learn:

By reading “Email Marketing Rules,” one of the best books about email marketing perhaps, you will learn:

  • How to develop a strategic approach to email marketing that aligns with your business goals.
  • Best practices for growing and nurturing your email list to maximize engagement and conversions.
  • Strategies for creating compelling email content that resonates with your audience and drives action.
  • Techniques for designing visually appealing and mobile-responsive email templates.
  • How to leverage personalization and segmentation to deliver targeted and relevant email campaigns.
  • Tips for automating repetitive tasks and optimizing email workflows for efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Ways to monitor and improve deliverability to ensure that your emails reach the inbox.
  • How to track key metrics and analyze email performance to measure success and identify areas for improvement.
  • Guidelines for complying with email marketing regulations and best practices to maintain trust and credibility with subscribers.


Why You Should Read It:

“Email Marketing Rules” is a must-read for marketers at all levels who want to enhance their email marketing skills and achieve better results.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced seeking advanced strategies and insights, this book offers valuable guidance and practical advice that can help you succeed


Find it on:

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other major booksellers.


2. Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business by Susan


About the Author:

Susan Gunelius is a marketing expert, author, and speaker with extensive experience in digital marketing, branding, and social media.

She is the founder and CEO of KeySplash Creative, Inc., a marketing communications firm, and has worked with numerous clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies.


Short Summary:

“Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business” by Susan Gunelius is a comprehensive resource designed to help businesses leverage email marketing to achieve their marketing goals.

In this book, Gunelius shares her expertise and practical advice on various aspects of email marketing, from building an email list and writing compelling content to measuring campaign performance and optimizing results.


Topics Covered:

Best email marketing books cover a wide range of topics essential to successful email marketing campaigns.

  • Gunelius provides an overview of email marketing fundamentals, including setting goals, understanding your audience, and selecting the right email marketing platform.
  • The book covers strategies for building and growing an engaged email list, including lead magnet creation, opt-in forms, and list segmentation.
  • Readers learn how to write persuasive email copy, design visually appealing email templates, and optimize content for maximum impact.
  • Gunelius explores the importance of personalization and segmentation in email marketing, offering tips for delivering targeted and relevant messages to subscribers.
  • The book discusses automation techniques to scale email marketing processes and improve efficiency, from autoresponders to drip campaigns.
  • Readers learn how to track key metrics, interpret analytics data, and use insights to optimize email campaigns for better results.


What You Will Learn:

By reading “Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business,” you will learn:

  • How to develop a strategic approach to email marketing that aligns with your business objectives.
  • Techniques for building and growing an engaged email list of subscribers.
  • Strategies for crafting compelling email content that resonates with your audience and drives action.
  • The importance of personalization and segmentation in delivering targeted and relevant email campaigns.
  • How to leverage automation to streamline email marketing processes and improve efficiency.
  • Methods for measuring and analyzing email performance to track progress and optimize campaign results.


Why You Should Read it:

“Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business” is a valuable resource for businesses of all sizes looking to harness the power of email marketing to achieve their marketing goals.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced marketer, this email marketing books pdf offers practical advice, actionable strategies, and real-world examples to help you succeed.


Find it on

You can find “Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business” by Susan Gunelius at major book retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores.

It may be available in email marketing rules book digital formats for e-readers and audiobook platforms.


3. E-mail Marketing For Dummies by John Arnold


About the Author:

John Arnold is an experienced digital marketer, author, and educator with a passion for helping businesses succeed online.

He has a wealth of experience in email marketing, having worked with numerous clients to develop and implement effective email campaigns.

Arnold is known for his practical approach to marketing and his ability to demystify complex concepts for his readers.


Short Summary:

“E-mail Marketing For Dummies” by John Arnold is a guide designed to help readers master the fundamentals of email marketing.

In this email marketing rules book pdf, Arnold breaks down the complexities of email marketing into easy-to-understand concepts and practical strategies.

Whether you’re new to email marketing or looking to improve your existing campaigns, this book provides valuable insights and actionable advice to help you achieve your marketing goals.


Topics Covered:

  • Arnold provides an overview of email marketing fundamentals, including the benefits of email marketing, common terminology, and key metrics to track.
  • The book covers strategies for building and growing an email list of engaged subscribers, including lead-generation techniques and list segmentation.
  • Email Readers learn how to write persuasive email copy, design eye-catching email templates, and optimize content for maximum impact.
  • Arnold explores factors that affect email deliverability, such as sender reputation, authentication protocols, and spam filters.
  • The book discusses automation tools and techniques to streamline email marketing processes, from autoresponders to drip campaigns.
  • Readers learn how to track key metrics, interpret analytics data, and use insights to optimize email campaigns for better results.


What You Will Learn:

By reading top email marketing books, you will learn:

  • The fundamentals of email marketing and how it can benefit your business.
  • Strategies for building and growing an engaged email list of subscribers.
  • Techniques for crafting compelling email content that drives engagement and conversions.
  • Factors that affect email deliverability and how to improve inbox placement.
  • How to leverage automation tools to optimize email marketing workflows and improve efficiency.
  • Methods for measuring email performance and using data to refine and optimize your campaigns.


Why You Should Read it:

“E-mail Marketing For Dummies” is an invaluable resource for marketers of all levels who want to master the essentials of email marketing.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started with email marketing or an experienced professional seeking to refine your skills and improve your results, this book offers practical advice, proven strategies, and actionable insights to help you succeed.


Find it on:

You can find “E-mail Marketing For Dummies” by John Arnold at major book retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores.


4. Email Persuasion by Ian Brodie


About the Author:

Ian Brodie is a highly respected marketing consultant and coach with extensive experience in helping businesses improve their online marketing strategies.

With over 20 years of experience, Brodie has worked with numerous clients across various industries, specializing in email marketing, lead generation, and business development.


Short Summary:

“Email Persuasion” by Ian Brodie is leading books on email marketing guide to persuade and influence your audience.

Brodie draws on his years of experience and expertise to provide actionable strategies and tactics for crafting email messages that drive engagement and conversions.


Topics Covered:

  • Brodie explores the principles of persuasion psychology and how they can be applied to email marketing to influence recipients’ behavior and decision-making.
  • The book discusses strategies for building trust and rapport with your email subscribers, fostering stronger relationships that lead to increased engagement and loyalty.
  • Brodie provides practical tips and techniques for writing persuasive email copy that grabs attention, sparks interest, and compels recipients to take action.
  • Readers learn how to plan and execute effective email campaigns that deliver results, from segmentation and personalization to timing and frequency.
  • The book covers strategies for measuring and analyzing email performance, as well as techniques for optimizing campaigns based on key metrics and insights.


What You Will Learn:

By reading “Email Persuasion,” you will learn:

  • The principles of persuasion psychology and how to apply them to your email marketing efforts.
  • Strategies for building trust and rapport with your email subscribers to enhance engagement and loyalty.
  • Techniques for writing persuasive email copy that drives action and converts recipients into customers.
  • How to plan and execute effective email campaigns that deliver results and maximize ROI.
  • Methods for measuring and analyzing email performance to identify areas for improvement and optimization.


Why You Should Read It:

“Email Persuasion” is an essential reading for anyone looking to improve their email marketing skills and achieve better results with their campaigns.

Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or entrepreneur, this book offers practical advice and actionable strategies for leveraging the power of email to persuade and influence your audience effectively.


Find it on:

You can find “Email Persuasion” by Ian Brodie at major book retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores.


5. The New Email Revolution by Robert W. Bly


About the Author:

Robert W. Bly is a renowned copywriter, author, and speaker with decades of experience in direct-response marketing.

He has written over 100 book marketing email lists related to copywriting, and business success.


Short Summary:

“The New Email Revolution” by Robert W. Bly is a guide to leveraging email marketing in the digital age.

In this book, Bly explores the evolution of email marketing and provides practical strategies for maximizing its impact.

From list building and segmentation, this book covers all aspects of successful email marketing.


Topics Covered:

  1. Bly examines how email marketing has evolved over the years and the key trends shaping its future.
  2. The book discusses strategies for building and growing an email list of engaged subscribers who are receptive to your messaging.
  3. Bly explores the importance of segmenting your email list and targeting specific audience segments with tailored content.
  4. Readers learn how to write persuasive email copy that grabs attention, sparks interest, and drives action.
  5. The book covers best practices for designing visually appealing and mobile-responsive email templates that enhance engagement.
  6. Bly provides insights into using automation and personalization to deliver targeted and relevant email campaigns.
  7. Readers learn how to track key metrics and analyze email performance to optimize campaigns for better results.
  8. The book discusses compliance with email marketing regulations and best practices for maintaining sender reputation and subscriber trust.


What You Will Learn:

By reading books on email marketing, you will learn:

  • How to build and grow an engaged email list of subscribers.
  • Strategies for segmenting your email list and targeting specific audience segments with tailored content.
  • Techniques for crafting persuasive email copy that drives engagement and conversions.
  • Best practices for designing visually appealing and mobile-responsive email templates.
  • How to leverage automation and personalization to deliver targeted and relevant email campaigns.
  • Methods for measuring and analyzing email performance to optimize campaigns for better results.
  • Compliance with email marketing regulations and best practices for maintaining sender reputation and subscriber trust.


Why You Should Read it:

“The New Email Revolution” is a must-read.

Whether you’re new to email marketing or an experienced professional, this email marketing for book promotion offer valuable insights and practical strategies for maximizing the impact of your email campaigns.


Find it on:

You can find “The New Email Revolution” by Robert W. Bly at major book retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores.


6. Email Marketing Demystified by Matthew Paulson

Aimed at beginners, this book breaks down email marketing concepts into easy-to-understand steps.

Matthew Paulson offers the best books on email marketing to building and grow your email list.


7. Invisible Selling Machine by Ryan Deiss

Ryan Deiss explores creating automated email campaigns that generate results while you sleep.

The book is ideal for those looking to implement scalable automation strategies in their email marketing.


8. The Email Lifeline” by Anik Singal

Anik Singal’s book delves into creating profitable email campaigns using real-life examples.

It emphasizes actionable advice and strategies to help you improve your email marketing performance.


9. Email Marketing Mastery by Chris Smith

This book provides advanced techniques and strategies for mastering email marketing.

Chris Smith offers detailed insights and practical advice for achieving exceptional results.


10. The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business by Susan Gunelius

Susan Gunelius covers a broad range of email marketing strategies suitable for all business sizes.

The book offers practical tips and a comprehensive overview of successful email marketing practices.


11. Email Marketing for Dummies by John Arnold

This beginner-friendly book offers a step-by-step approach to email marketing.

John Arnold provides easy-to-follow instructions and tips that make it ideal for newcomers to the field.


12. Email Marketing Made Simple by Paul M. Sutter

Paul M. Sutter’s book presents simple, actionable strategies for impactful email marketing.

It’s perfect for those seeking advice to improve their email campaigns.


13. Convert! Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion by Ben Hunt

Ben Hunt focuses on optimizing web design to enhance email campaign performance.

The book provides practical design tips and strategies to increase traffic and conversions.


14. Email Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors by Derek Notman

Tailored for financial services, Derek Notman’s book offers targeted email marketing strategies.

It includes actionable tips and case studies relevant to the financial advisory industry.


15. The Art of Email Marketing by Michael S. Lewis

Michael S. Lewis explores creative and innovative email marketing strategies.

The book provides practical tips for crafting compelling email content that resonates with your audience.


16. Email Marketing: An Hour a Day by Jeanniey Mullen

Jeanniey Mullen’s book offers time-efficient email marketing strategies.

It provides daily actionable steps and expert advice to help you manage your email campaigns.


17. Email Marketing for B2B Sales by Michael S. Lewis

This book focuses on B2B email marketing strategies, offering practical insights and techniques for generating sales through effective email campaigns.


18. The Email Warrior by Ann Handley

Ann Handley’s engaging writing style delivers actionable advice on effective email communication.

The book is perfect for marketers looking to enhance their email marketing skills.


19. Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller

Donald Miller’s book emphasizes the power of storytelling in email marketing.

It provides clear frameworks and practical advice for creating compelling email narratives.


20. Killer Email Marketing: How to Craft Effective Emails That Convert by Erin B. Bowers

Erin B. Bowers provides tips for crafting high-converting emails.

The book covers techniques and strategies for creating effective email content that drives results.


21. The Email Marketing Blueprint by Michael B. Sullivan

Michael B. Sullivan offers a step-by-step blueprint for successful email marketing.

The book provides comprehensive guidance on implementing successful email strategies.


22. Marketing Automation for Dummies by Mathew Sweezey

This book focuses on marketing automation, offering practical strategies for automating your email campaigns.

Mathew Sweezey provides insights for both beginners and advanced users.


23. Smart Email Marketing by Jon Ferrara

Jon Ferrara explores data-driven email marketing strategies.

The book offers insights into using analytics to optimize email campaigns and improve results.


24. Advanced Email Marketing by Janet Driscoll Miller

Janet Driscoll Miller’s book provides advanced email marketing techniques.

It covers in-depth strategies and practical applications for experienced marketers.


25. Email Marketing 101 by Patrick McLean

Patrick McLean’s book introduces the basics of email marketing.

It offers actionable insights and easy-to-follow steps for beginners looking to get started.


26. The Email Marketing Field Guide by Matt Bacak

Matt Bacak’s comprehensive field guide covers various aspects of email marketing.

The book provides practical advice and real-world applications to enhance your campaigns.


27. Email Marketing Intelligence by Rachael McCrary

Rachael McCrary focuses on data-driven email marketing strategies. The book offers insights into using analytics to measure and improve your email marketing performance.


Why Should You Read Email Marketing Books?

Now, you might wonder, why should I bother flipping through the pages of email marketing books when I can find resources online? Ah, but therein lies the beauty!

These books are curated masterpieces, crafted by industry experts who’ve traversed the terrain and conquered the challenges.

They offer a comprehensive understanding, actionable strategies, and a holistic approach that online articles often lack.

The following are the significant benefits of reading email marketing books.


1. Comprehensive and Structured Learning:

  • Books offer a structured learning experience, guiding you through key concepts, strategies, and best practices in a logical flow.
  • They delve deeper into topics, providing nuanced explanations and practical examples that blog posts or articles might not offer.
  • You can gain a holistic understanding of email marketing, rather than piecing together information from various sources.


2. Expert Insights and Proven Strategies:

  • Many email marketing books are written by industry experts with years of experience and successful campaigns under their belt.
  • They share their unique perspectives, insights, and battle-tested strategies that you can directly apply to your own campaigns.
  • You learn from their successes and failures, avoiding common pitfalls and accelerating your learning curve.


3. Credibility and Reliability:

  • Unlike the vast and sometimes unverified information online, books undergo editorial scrutiny and fact-checking, ensuring the content is accurate and reliable.
  • They often cite research and data sources, adding credibility and depth to the information presented.
  • You can trust the information you’re reading, making informed decisions for your email marketing efforts.


4. Deep Dives and Specific Focus:

  • Books can delve deeper into specific aspects of email marketing, like automation, copywriting, or data analysis, offering in-depth knowledge.
  • You can choose books tailored to your current level of expertise or specific needs, focusing on areas you want to improve.
  • This targeted learning allows you to master specific skills and strategies for maximum impact.


5. Inspiration and Motivation:

  • Reading about successful email marketing campaigns can spark your creativity and inspire you to try new approaches.
  • Learning from other marketers’ journeys and overcoming challenges can motivate you to persevere and achieve your own goals.

Books can provide a refreshing perspective and reignite your passion for email marketing.


How to Choose Your Email Books?

Choosing the right email marketing books can be tricky with so many options available! Here are some tips to help you find the perfect fit:


1. Define Your Needs & Goals:

  • Beginner or Advanced: Are you new to email marketing or looking to refine existing strategies? Beginner books focus on fundamentals, while advanced ones delve deeper into specific areas.
  • Specific Areas of Interest: Do you need help with copywriting, design, automation, or analytics? Choose books tailored to your specific needs.
  • Budget and Time Commitment: Consider book prices and length. Do you want a quick read or a comprehensive guide?


2. Research the Author & Content:

  • Author’s Expertise: Look for authors with proven experience and success in email marketing.
  • Content Overview: Check book descriptions, reviews, and online samples to understand the topics covered and the author’s writing style.
  • Publication Date: Ensure the book covers current best practices and industry trends.


3. Seek Recommendations & Reviews:

  • Ask fellow marketers for recommendations.
  • Check online reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, or industry blogs.
  • Look for books featured in articles or lists of top email marketing books.


4. Consider the Format:

  • Traditional Books: Offer a focused reading experience and deeper dives.
  • E-books: More portable and affordable, but may lack the tactile experience.
  • Audiobooks: Great for multitasking, but may require more focused listening.


5. Leverage Book Resources:

  • Look for books with bonus materials like templates, checklists, or access to online communities.
  • Consider workbooks or interactive guides that encourage hands-on learning.


Bonus Tip: Don’t be afraid to invest in a few different books to gain diverse perspectives and cover multiple aspects of email marketing.


Best Books for Email Marketing – Conclusion

Remember, the best email marketing book is the one that resonates with you and helps you achieve your specific goals. These email marketing books can help you to get knowledge, insights, and actionable strategies.

With this diverse selection and the tips provided, you’re well on your way to crafting compelling email campaigns that grab attention, nurture relationships, and drive results.


And now, for the grand finale…

Let’s not forget the power of action! Dive into one of these recommended books, craft a campaign that speaks to your unique audience, and witness the magic of email marketing unfold.


Best Books About Email Marketing – FAQs


How do I learn to write marketing emails in 2024?

To learn to write marketing emails in 2024, study the fundamentals through best email marketing books and online resources, stay updated with industry trends via blogs and webinars.


How do I start email marketing?

To start email marketing in 2024, begin by choosing an email marketing platform and building a targeted email list.


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