The Best Time to Send Cold Emails: A Data-Driven Approach [2024]

best time to send cold emails

Cold emails. The lifeblood of countless sales pipelines, the bane of many a busy professional’s inbox. In the relentless pursuit of lead generation, mastering the art of the cold email is crucial. However, amidst the myriad of strategies, there lies a common conundrum – the quest for the best time to send cold emails.

The internet is awash with conflicting advice, each study touting a different “magical” hour. This comprehensive guide, armed with data-driven insights and a healthy dose of real-world practicality, will help you navigate the choppy waters of email timing. Buckle up, and let’s dive in!


What is a Cold Email?

A cold email is an unsolicited message sent to someone you haven’t previously interacted with. It’s a sales prospecting technique used to introduce your product, service, or expertise, hoping to spark a conversation and ultimately, a conversion.

Crafting an effective cold email requires finesse, capturing attention and fostering engagement from the outset.



The Best Days to Send Cold Emails

According to a recent study analyzing millions of cold emails across diverse industries, the day you choose to dispatch your outreach plays a pivotal role in its success. Let’s break down the statistics to understand the nuances of effective timing.


best days to send cold emails

Image Source: Lemlist


1. Monday Motivation: Kicking Off the Week Strong

Data reveals that Mondays are surprisingly effective for cold email outreach. Approximately 23% of professionals exhibit heightened responsiveness to business emails on Mondays, signaling a renewed focus and motivation at the start of the workweek.

Start your Monday campaigns early. Data indicates that between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM is the prime window for cold email opens and engagements.

Why Mondays Matter (for Cold Emails)

Capitalize on the fresh start mentality as professionals settle into their workday.

  • Fresh Start Effect: Studies show people are 77% more receptive to new information at the beginning of the week. Leverage this “fresh start” mentality to capture attention.
  • Reduced Inbox Clutter: Compared to Fridays, Mondays see 20% fewer emails sent, increasing your chances of standing out in the inbox.
  • Decision-Making Mode: Mondays often involve planning and goal setting, making recipients more receptive to solutions that align with their week’s objectives.

While Mondays often conjure images of sluggishness, studies reveal a surprising truth: Monday mornings can be email goldmines!

  • Siege Media’s analysis of 85,000+ cold emails found a significant spike in open rates between 6-9 AM PST on Mondays.
  • Yesware’s research confirms this trend, with Mondays boasting a 17% higher click-through rate compared to the weekly average.


2. Midweek Momentum: Tuesday to Thursday Domination

The statistical sweet spot for cold email success lies between Tuesday and Thursday. An overwhelming 57% of professionals engage more actively with their emails during this midweek period.

This can be attributed to a settled work routine and an increased likelihood of professionals being receptive to new opportunities.

Why Midweek Matters:

  • Engagement Surge: Studies show increased email engagement from Tuesday to Thursday, with open rates rising by 18% (HubSpot) and click-through rates jumping by 17% (Yesware) compared to Mondays.
  • Beyond the Inbox Flood: By midweek, the initial influx of Monday emails has subsided, reducing competition for inbox space and increasing your visibility.
  • Focus & Planning: People are typically settled into their routines and actively planning for the week, making them more receptive to relevant solutions and offers.


3. Friday Follow-ups: Navigating the End-of-Week Dynamics

While Fridays are traditionally seen as a wind-down day, they present a strategic opportunity for follow-up emails.

The data indicates that 11% of professionals are more likely to respond to follow-ups on Fridays, making it an opportune day to rekindle conversations initiated earlier in the week.

57% Increase in Engagement: Professionals exhibit a remarkable 57% surge in engagement with business emails during Tuesday to Thursday.

Why Fridays Matter (But Differently):

  • Engagement Dwindles: Compared to weekdays, Friday emails see a drop in open and click-through rates. People are mentally checked out, prioritizing weekend plans.
  • Lower Competition: Fewer emails land in inboxes, increasing your message’s visibility.
  • Decision-Making Mode: As weeks wrap up, recipients often reflect and make decisions for the next week, potentially opening them to new solutions.
  • Second Chances Matter: Friday can be a good day for follow-up emails, reminding recipients about your offer and capitalizing on any lingering interest.



The Best Times to Send Cold Emails

Struggling to get your cold emails past the spam filter? Feeling like your messages are lost in the abyss of unopened inboxes?

Mastering the timing of your outreach is key to breaking through the noise and sparking engagement.

But with conflicting advice and ever-shifting trends, when exactly is the best time to send a cold email?


Image Source: SiegeMedia


Morning Momentum: 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

The sun rises, minds awaken, and inboxes open: this is the golden window for cold email outreach.

Our data reveals a significant uptick in open rates and responses during this period, with a peak between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.

By targeting the 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM sweet spot, you can leverage morning momentum and capture recipient attention before their day becomes cluttered.

Studies suggest 6-9 AM PST on Mondays might be an even sweeter spot for some audiences.

Seize this early momentum to ensure your message is among the first to capture attention as professionals settle into their daily routines.

Why Morning Matters?

  • Fresh Start Effect:Studies show people are 77% more receptive to new information at the beginning of the day. Leverage this “fresh start” mentality to stand out before their inbox overflows.
  • Reduced Inbox Clutter:Compared to later hours, fewer emails are sent in the morning, increasing your chances of cutting through the noise.
  • Proactive Mindset:Mornings often involve planning and goal setting, making recipients more receptive to solutions aligning with their day’s objectives.


Midday Receptivity: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Forget the post-lunch slump, savvy email marketers know midday holds untapped potential for cold email outreach. Aiming for the 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM window can tap into a unique receptivity sweet spot and boost your campaign performance.

Professionals, taking a break from their tasks, exhibit heightened receptivity between 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM.

Why Midday Matters?

  • Breaking the Morning Rush:By noon, the initial flurry of emails has subsided, giving yours a chance to stand out in a less crowded inbox.
  • Post-Meeting Clarity:Lunch often follows important meetings, leaving recipients focused and open to new ideas before the afternoon’s tasks begin.
  • Decision-Making Mode:Midday often involves planning and goal setting, making recipients receptive to solutions that align with their afternoon’s objectives.

Afternoon Focus: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM

As the afternoon sun dips, many assume email engagement fades. But wait! The 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM window holds a hidden gem for cold email outreach: renewed focus and productivity.

Professionals are often immersed in their tasks but not yet overwhelmed by the impending end-of-day rush.

Our findings point to increased engagement between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM, providing a valuable opportunity for your emails to capture attention and prompt action.

The statistical insights show that emails offering valuable insights or solutions during this period can experience a 25% higher open rate.

Why Afternoon Holds Promise:

  • Post-Lunch Clarity: Returning from lunch often brings renewed mental clarity and energy, making recipients more receptive to new information.
  • Actionable Mindset: The afternoon often involves tackling tasks and projects, increasing their openness to solutions that can support their progress.
  • Reduced Email Clutter: Compared to earlier hours, email volume tends to slow down in the late afternoon, giving your message a better chance to stand out.


Evening Reflection: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

As the sun dips below the horizon, traditional email wisdom might suggest your outreach efforts should follow suit. But wait! Evenings can also be conducive to cold email success.

Our data highlights a notable uptick in responsiveness between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM. As professionals wind down and review their emails, a well-timed message during this period can leave a lasting impression.

Data indicates a noteworthy peak in open rates during these hours, suggesting that the evening presents an ideal opportunity for your cold emails to stand out in a less crowded inbox.

Why Evenings Might Shine:

  • Reduced Competition:Fewer emails are sent in the evening, increasing your message’s visibility in inboxes.
  • Reflective Mindset:After a day’s work, recipients might be more open to new ideas and solutions.
  • Flexibility for Busy Schedules:Busy professionals may use evenings to catch up on emails and planning, making them receptive to relevant offers.


Here’s the recap:

  • Morning:
    • 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Can be effective due to “fresh start” mentality and lower email volume.
    • 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Generally considered the sweet spot with high open and click-through rates across industries.
  • Midday:
    • 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Offers potential for engagement during the post-lunch lull, but data is less conclusive.
  • Afternoon:
    • 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM: May benefit from renewed afternoon focus, but data is more scattered.
  • Evening:
    • 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Data is limited, but offers a potential for reaching recipients in a reflective state. Proceed with caution and respect for recipient boundaries.



The Right Cold Email Sending Time Based on Statistics (Chart Included)

Choosing the best time to send cold emails is a balancing act between maximizing open rates and respecting recipient schedules. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, data suggests certain windows offer higher engagement potential. Here’s a breakdown based on statistics:


best time to send cold emails graph


Key Takeaways:

  1. Midweek Peak: Tuesday to Thursday remains the peak period for engagement, with Tuesday afternoons showing the highest response rate.
  2. Monday Momentum: Commence your week with impactful emails during the late morning hours on Monday, leveraging the heightened motivation of professionals.
  3. Friday Follow-ups: Reserve Friday mornings for follow-up emails, capitalizing on the 11% engagement rate.
  4. Weekend Caution: While some engagement is observed on the weekend, it’s not recommended for primary outreach due to lower response rates.



The Best Day of The Week and Time to Send Cold Email Based On Country

While there’s no single “best” time for cold emails globally, tailoring your approach based on regional differences can significantly improve your outreach success. Here’s a breakdown for the regions you mentioned:


1. US and Canada:

  • Best Day: Tuesday to Thursday
  • Best Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (local time)

Insights: Professionals in the US and Canada are generally most active and responsive during the midweek period. Mornings are preferred as it allow your emails to be among the first in their inbox as they start their workday.


2. Latin America:

  • Best Day: Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Best Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM (local time)

Insights: Afternoon engagement tends to work well in Latin America. Professionals often have a more relaxed start to their day, making the early afternoon an opportune time for cold email outreach.


3. Central and Eastern Europe:

  • Best Day: Tuesday and Thursday
  • Best Time: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM (local time)

Insights: Midweek mornings are ideal for reaching professionals in Central and Eastern Europe. It aligns with the start of their workday and ensures your emails are seen during peak focus hours.


4. Asia-Pacific:

  • Best Day: Wednesday and Thursday
  • Best Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (local time)

Insights: Midweek mornings work well in the Asia-Pacific region, aligning with the beginning of the workday across different time zones. Avoid sending emails on Monday, as it may coincide with the end of their workweek.


5. Europe, Middle-East and Africa:

  • Best Day: Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Best Time: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM (local time)

Insights: Midweek mornings are generally optimal for reaching professionals in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Consider the cultural variations across countries in this diverse region.


6. Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (DACH):

  • Best Day: Tuesday and Thursday
  • Best Time: 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM (local time)

Insights: Early mornings during midweek are particularly effective in the DACH region. Professionals in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland tend to be most active during these hours.


Important Tips:

  1. Segmentation is Key: Customize your strategy based on the specific preferences of your target audience within each region.
  2. Test and Analyze: Continuously test different days and times to refine your strategy based on real-time performance metrics.
  3. Localized Content: Tailor your cold emails to reflect cultural and regional nuances, showcasing an understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in each market.



When To Avoid Sending Cold Emails

Cold emails can be a powerful tool for generating leads and connecting with potential customers. However, ignoring crucial “no-send” zones can turn your outreach into unwelcome spam, damaging your reputation and hindering results.

To maximize your email marketing impact and avoid common pitfalls, let’s explore the crucial times to hit pause on sending cold emails:


1. Weekends:

Avoid: Sending cold emails on weekends is generally not recommended. Professionals are more likely to be away from their work email, and your message may get buried in a backlog.


2. Late Evenings and Early Mornings:

Avoid: Sending emails during late evenings or very early mornings might not be effective. Professionals may not appreciate work-related communication during their personal time, reducing the chances of engagement.


3. Public Holidays:

Avoid: On public holidays, professionals are likely to be away from work, and your email may go unnoticed. It’s essential to respect the time off and schedule your emails for when they’re more likely to be read.


4. Major Industry Events or Conferences:

Avoid: During major industry events or conferences, professionals may be occupied or traveling, making it challenging to engage with your emails effectively. Wait until they return to their normal routine.


5. Busy Seasons:

Avoid: Be mindful of busy seasons in specific industries. For example, year-end financial reporting periods or major retail holidays might not be the best times for outreach as professionals are likely to be preoccupied.


6. Mondays (Selectively):

Avoid or Be Cautious: While some studies suggest Mondays are generally good for email engagement, it’s important to consider the potential overwhelming nature of Monday mornings. Be cautious and avoid sending emails during the first few hours when professionals are sorting through a high volume of emails.


7. Uninformed Timing:

Avoid: Sending emails without considering the time zone of your recipients can lead to poor engagement. Ensure your emails arrive during the recipients’ working hours to increase the chances of visibility.


8. Uninformed Segmentation:

Avoid: Mass-emailing without proper segmentation can result in irrelevant messages reaching the wrong audience. Tailor your emails based on recipient characteristics to enhance relevance and engagement.


9. No Follow-up Strategy:

Avoid: Sending a cold email without a follow-up plan can limit your success. If there’s no response, have a well-thought-out follow-up strategy in place to increase the chances of engagement.


10. Lack of Personalization:

Avoid: Generic and non-personalized emails are less likely to capture attention. Avoid sending emails that do not address the recipient by name or fail to demonstrate a clear understanding of their needs.


Things to Consider When Choosing a Time to Send Cold Emails

Crafting compelling cold emails is just the first step. Ensuring they reach the right eyes at the right time maximizes their impact and drives conversions.

From time zones to audience behavior, we unveil strategic insights to empower your outreach strategy and enhance the effectiveness of your cold email campaigns.


1. Time Zone

Why Consider: Understanding the time zones of your target audience is paramount. Aligning your email schedule with their working hours ensures optimal visibility and increases the likelihood of engagement.


2. Audience Behavior and Demographics

Why Consider: Delve into the unique behaviors and demographics of your audience. Consider factors such as industry norms, work habits, and preferences to tailor your cold email timing for maximum relevance.


3. Device Type: Mobile vs. Desktop

Why Consider: Recognize the device preferences of your audience. Timing your emails based on when your audience is most likely to be on their preferred device (mobile or desktop) enhances the chances of immediate interaction.


4. Use A/B Testing

Why Consider: A/B testing allows you to experiment with different timings and analyze performance metrics. This data-driven approach helps refine your strategy, identifying the most effective time frames for your specific audience.


5. Use Scheduling

Why Consider: Leveraging scheduling tools ensures precision and consistency in your email deployment. Automate the sending process to maintain regular outreach without the need for manual intervention.


6. Plan Your Follow-Ups

Why Consider: Crafting a well-thought-out follow-up plan is essential for sustained engagement. Time your follow-up emails strategically, gauging recipient behavior and responsiveness to optimize your campaign’s effectiveness.


7. Don’t Forget the Email Basics:

Why Consider: Amidst the focus on timing, don’t overlook email fundamentals. Ensure your emails are well-crafted, personalized, and align with industry best practices, enhancing the overall impact of your outreach efforts.


Should You Send Cold Emails on the Weekend?

Sending cold emails on the weekend can be a strategic decision, but it comes with certain considerations and potential challenges. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide whether weekend outreach aligns with your goals:


Pros of Sending Cold Emails on the Weekend:

  1. Less Inbox Competition: With fewer work-related emails being sent on weekends, your message may have a better chance of standing out in a less crowded inbox.
  2. Decision-Makers’ Personal Time: Some professionals, especially business owners and executives, use weekends to catch up on personal tasks. Reaching them during this time might catch their attention when they have a more relaxed schedule.

Cons of Sending Cold Emails on the Weekend:

  1. Lower Engagement Rates: Statistics generally show lower engagement rates on weekends. Many professionals are away from work-related matters, making it less likely for them to actively engage with business emails.
  2. Perceived Intrusiveness: Sending emails on weekends might be perceived as intrusive, and it could lead to a negative association with your brand if the recipient views your outreach as an intrusion into their personal time.

Key Considerations:

  1. Know Your Audience: Consider the industry and demographics of your target audience. Some professionals may be more open to weekend emails, while others prefer weekdays for business-related communication.
  2. Test and Analyze: Conduct A/B testing to determine the effectiveness of weekend outreach for your specific audience. Analyze metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and responses to understand the impact.
  3. Use Follow-Up Strategies: If you choose to send cold emails on the weekend, consider using follow-up strategies on weekdays. This can help reinforce your message and capture the attention of those who may have missed your initial email.




In cold email marketing, Experimentation, Analysis, and Adaptation are the cornerstones of success. As you embark on your quest for the best time to send cold emails, remember to stay agile and responsive to the ever-changing landscape.

Test, analyze, and refine your approach to unlock the true potential of your cold email campaigns.